Foxlow has a long and notorious history of bushranger holdups and well known pastoralists transacting the property through the centuries dating back to 1835.

As we take on the custodianship of this land and history, we are driven to ensure it’s longevity for the next 100 years and to create a home for future generations to enjoy.

The homestead and gardens have undergone significant renovation and continue to evolve as we put our vision into action. Adding new structures such as the 200m Haha wall and 30m vegetable garden Arbour creates the parkland effect and new spaces to enjoy.

On the land, we actively strive for best farming practices and protection of the Snowy Woodland environment. We are preserving 1000 acres of conservation to protect native flora and fauna and working to rehabilitate the Molonglo River floodplain to protect the habitat of the endangered Green Golden Bell Frog.

After 5 years of renovating, a lot has changed since our first day at Foxlow but much remains the same. We have restored all original buildings include the blacksmiths, workmen’s quarters, station office and more.

Foxlow is a very special place. We look forward to welcoming you to our home.

Elizabeth & Edwin